Oncology Rehab
and Lymphedema Therapy

We provide highly specialized Physical and Occupational Therapy to improve your quality of life after cancer treatment.

SDK Therapy is a Multidisciplinary Practice offering Occupational and Physical Therapy

All of our therapists specialize in oncology rehab and lymphedema.  Our recommended treatment approach is likely to be similar across the two disciplines. The difference is related to treatment philosophy and emphasis.

Occupational Therapy emphasizes restoring activities of daily living (ADLs), such as exercise routines, carrying a toddler, taking a shower, or walking your dog, and addresses both physical and emotional limitations.

Physical Therapy also focuses on ADLs, but with increased emphasis on physical movement.  Physical therapy can address orthopedic issues, as well as gait and balance.

Our multidisciplinary team allows us to co treat or refer patients between disciplines as needed. During your first visit with us, we will evaluate your needs to determine if you need Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, or both.

About the Founder

Stephanie Dessi Kiley has more than 20 years of experience as an Occupational Therapist, and over 15 years as a cancer rehabilitation specialist. Stephanie has experience treating a wide range of upper extremity orthopedic issues, and is widely recognized as one of the leading oncology therapists in the Metro New York area. Stephanie believes in treating the whole person (physical, emotional, environmental), leveraging a multidisciplinary approach and the latest innovations in treatment protocols. Stephanie is a healer and a listener for her patients. She also enjoys mentoring therapists and educating the broader medical community.